Monday, March 26, 2012

Introducing Chat Reference

Have you been wanting another way to ask research questions? Are you not able to come into the library when the reference librarians are available? Try our new chat reference! Head over to to chat with a reference librarian. This morning, I received a question by chat about how to submit an InterLibrary Loan request and a question by chat about where to find past exams. Try chatting with us to get some of your questions answered.

Chat is not available all the time (we have lives beyond these library walls); if we're not online, you can either email us your question or wait until we're back online.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The New York Legal Research Library

We now have access to the New York Legal Research Library on Hein Online.  The library includes a lot of historical materials; of current interest are the NY Journals and NY Attorney General Opinions, the State Register, Bar Journals, and Comptroller Opinions.

Access by going to:, click on "Subscription Databases" and then on "Hein Online."

Please contact a reference librarian if you have any questions.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Research Guides!

Check out our new LibGuides! GGU law librarians have created these new research guides to assist with your research, with links to print and electronic resources, along with explanations about using those resources. LibGuides cover a wide range of research topics. You work hard... do yourself a favor and let us help with your research!Follow this URL: